Sunday, January 14, 2018

WRATH (Anger)

Image result for seven deadly sinsAnother word for anger!

Being spoiled most my life has feed into my anger in some of the worst ways. Not being able to do what I want soon enough or get what I want soon enough leads to an uncontrollable rage. Some days it can be as simple as a smell that’s sets me off. The higher my standards or expectations the harder it is for me to control myself. Every day is different and every response is as well. Punching walls, smashing glasses, yelling, crying, cussing….It all comes so fast it makes my head want to explode.

To fly off the handle of something so simple never makes me happy. Nothing comes from anger except lashing out and hurtful responses in pointless arguments. I often find myself asking God for forgiveness and the ability to think smarter and calm down. The worst thing is when the calm finally hits and I regret everything. The anger becomes so much it’s almost like having a demon inside you that is trying to set fire to everything in front of you. If my life was a movie you would see my spirit watching my body move and react to things around. Watching and telling myself to calm down as I try desperately to reconnect and take control over my body to get it to stop. All I would need is a second o myself to connect and gain control again. Some days it takes longer than other days to stop.

I’ve hurt my spouse more times than I can remember by picking just the most heartless thing to say. I hurt him and put him down when he himself is hurting or already having a hard time. My anger doesn’t allow me to care about what he has going on or how he even feels at the time. All I can do is push him away, digging deeper and deeper to make him reconsider his choice to be with me

Gods plan was never for his children to be so heartless so cruel yet that is what anger brings to the table. If I told you that I’m aware of this and the problems it causes all while saying id stop and never get angry again, well…. That would be a sin all of its own.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Deadlest Sins

Image result for seven deadly sins

I've moved so much as a child that I've been in and out of so many different churches. Recently, my boyfriend's father told us, everything that we were taught as children are faded off parts of the real story of how the bible came to be. I'll admit, that much is a given seeing how the Bible is what, a hundreds of years old. Sadly, I'm scared to say what that really means is, I don’t know anything. The most I can do is stick to what I do know because all God’s children sin. Even though we sin, that doesn’t knock us off balance on the scale of good and evil, or right and wrong. It’s in our human nature. Some more than others, but I have to say that I have experienced some of the worst of what's considered to be the seven deadliest sins.........

1. Lust - Strong sexual desire.

2. Envy - Feeling of discontented or resentful.

3. Vanity (Pride) - Feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements.

4. Wrath (Anger) - Strong feelings of annoyance, displeasure or hostility.

5.  Sloth - Reluctance to work or make an effort, laziness.

6. Gluttony- habitual greed or excess in eating.

7. Avarice (Greed) - Intense and selfish desire for something (wealth, power, or food).

Seven deadly sins. (2017, October 23). Retrieved October 24, 2017, from

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Is Curiosity a Disease?

  An author by the name William Eamon wrote an  article called, "The Disease Called Curiosity". If you look above, or how you simply manage to find my blog in the first place, you will notice that Curiosity is kind of what it's all about and of course a few confessions here and there.
       The human mind is such an amazing thing and human topics/ opinions just amaze me. I seen it and just had to read the whole article on well.... my mind. l.o.l I'll admit that I had to reread the article a few time to understand where he was going with the topic. Mr. Eamon explains that a man named Augustine says, "Curiosity is a sin in 3 different ways lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and ambition of the world. (Eamon 2010)" Just from reading that far I'm like ok its official we all suffer from the disease. You see your spouse or someone you want as a spouse and the idea to be near/ touch them crosses your mind. The fact you cant take your mind off of something you find beautiful. The fact you have to know more about a topic or study a topic. The list could go on for days on ways a person could fall into those three categories. So I had to know what he was talking about. Could it be really possible that so many inventors, reporters, and authors all have a disease simply because they want to know more?

   "Without curiosity, there can be no scientific discovery, and without discovery, there can be no knowledge. (Eamon 2010)" Over time we as people evolve and our ways of thinking change for the better. It's safe to say that the author simply wanted to express the history of "Curiosity" rather than actually believing that someone like me has a disease and needs medication to check my want for more knowledge.

    After reading the article I wanted to know more about what this authors style of writing and his interest and as it turns out I was correct. Most of the articles and books I came across were all on how the older days functioned. Something about the early modern days of Europe, Renaissance Italy held his interest long enough to write a few books on the topic.

The Disease Called Curiosity | The Official Website of Author William Eamon. (n.d.). Retrieved November 07, 2017, from