Thursday, November 17, 2016


Pen to paper, how many times I've wanted to get lost in the lines. Endless amount of words come to mind, so many that I become suffocated and trapped in my own thoughts and emotions. Most days I want to catch ghost, not an act of suicide but to simply disappear out of everyones lives. It's not like it would be a loss on their end. No one keeps in contact with me anyway. If it weren't for me bugging them my phone wouldn't even ring.
You see when you work for a company you must become flawless and keep up with the updates/changes or you become out dated and slow. You simply are a piece in their machine that operates their whole store. Just like any other piece tho you can be replaced. The thing about being flawless in a company tho is the fact you start to loss yourself.
Hmmm my pen hasn't stopped moving but I cant find the words to make every other word to start with matter. The funny thing is thats how thoughts are. One moment you think about this and that in hopes to make sense of a event in your life or a question. In the end its all just a scramble.


Quick someone grab a freaking dictionary because I have no idea what the hell a girlfriend is or how to be one! So these two people have a baby and they attempt to teach this baby about life, have morals, goals, standard. " You are never to good for something, they say. Sky is the limit, if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything, they say." My dad spent my whole life couching me to be the best person I can be all so in the end I can get that nice, fancy ring guys spend thousands on.
" No man will marry a whore, You must keep a clean house, you must cook, make money but not to much money, not to much sassy, no man wants to argue, he would say."  That's all fine but no one has ever told me how to be a girlfriend first. If you think the same rules apply well let me be the first to tell you that you are wrong. That's the simple shit that people just do on their own. It takes so much more or does it.
