Thursday, October 20, 2016


Water birth, lord so many words. I just watched a birth clip that was edited to were the video was only 5 mins long, but I can tell they were in that tub for hours. The cutest thing about the whole thing is that the baby daddy sat with the mother the whole time. rubbing her back, chest, stomach. Pretty much just being there for her in everyway that she could need in that moment. I sit and think where do you find men like that? Now a days the couples that I see together that are actually loyal are ones that grew up together.
I guess you can tell that it wasn't just the birth that I find beautiful but the family and moment as a whole. I see child having babies with people they only been with for months. Teenagers getting pregnant and having no plan for the future or baby daddies leaving them because they are to young themselves to deal with the hard task of parenting at such a young age.
I long for that moment where I have a nice house and little mini me running around. One can only hope that I have a guy standing at my side just like the lady in the video.