Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I guess you can say I did it to myself.....
I fell in love with a guy at 20 years old, after a year and 2 months I picked up Justin was cheating on me. I wish I could say it took me 3 months to finally prove it, but the truth is I didn't want to prove it. All the signs were there, the late night calls, hidden text, random arguments that had no purpose, coming home later and later. He was unhappy and seeking happiness in one of his co-workers, the thing is I wasn't ready to let go. He went from coming home at 1am to coming home at 4am. I don't really recall what made me go to his job after work but I did. He had claimed to be counting inventory only when I arrived to the store it was shutdown with all the lights off. His car was in the lot still so I waited it out. Two hours later he came walking around the corner and I hear car tires burn out in the distance. I packed all my things and left his house that same night. I wish I could say the story ends here but sadly it doesn't. Love doesn't just end because you say so. The next couple days I spent the night with him everyday as he told me Ashley was begging to get in a relationship with him. I laughed to myself because he has issues with disloyalty yet he was starting a relationship off disloyalty. He got with her after that.... To speed the story up I'm 23 now and Justin and Ashley lasted a year and two months then he cheated on her with me. He claims he only cheats when he is unhappy. Some will say I'm not right for what I did and I'll agree but the thing is I don't feel bad for doing it all. I call this Trapped because I am. I fell in love with a guy that knows me so well and knows what to say to pull me in closer. Knowing he isn't any good knowing that I should stay away, I simple can't. I mean I just feel stuck..... Justin is my best friend and family to me. I have become stronger this past week to the point I FRIEND-ZONED him. L.O.L
Lets be honest though when he calls I'll answer no matter the time..... love comes in many forms but I simply call it....