Saturday, August 6, 2016


Can we build an Empire together please!?!
Like can I please have someone that says fuck the BS... you crazy- Im crazy, You trip-I trip, but no matter what I got you like you got me. Let me tell you my level of loyalty, respect and will i could have for that person is unreal. Whats so wrong with wanting to be a little old school although its 2016. Im 23 and live in a world were no man or woman respects each other enough to be with each other. Like seriously help me help you. A Yang to this Yin, Joker to this screwed up Harley, Clyde to this wild Bonnie. How are people supposed to get anywhere in a world were it takes two incomes to survive? Pick a house, you dont like the windows lets change them, You don't like how small the driveway is, ok fine lets expand it. You bored of your car ok fine lets get another one. If i don't like something ill change it, if its broke ill fix it, but I want you. I want you to see the imagine that I see. By "you" i simply mean a man that wants to finally get his shit right after getting it wrong with so many others for so long.  Can I be your strength on your weakest day, your happiness in you worst hour?
Lets build a life from the ground up.

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